Suggested Opening for Invited Speaker Events

Good [morning/afternoon/evening]!

Thank you for joining us for this [event/talk/lecture/debate]. Part of the historic role of universities in cultures and societies is to provide an intellectual environment where dialogue, disagreement, critical thinking, and civil discourse can take place. The University of Pittsburgh embraces its role to foster a diverse educational experience for all students through the free expression and exchange of ideas.

The use of a University facility for this event does not constitute an endorsement by the University of any speaker, presentation, content or expressed viewpoint.

The speaker’s right to engage in protected speech and the audience’s right to listen take precedence. While you are encouraged to maintain an open mind during a speaker’s presentation, there may be instances where you may not agree with the spoken or displayed viewpoint of the speaker. You may dissent peacefully and in a non-disruptive manner during this event.

However, no one will be permitted to disrupt the speaker's ability to engage in protected speech or the audience's ability to view, hear, or participate in the speaker event.

Conditions that may lead to intervention include, but are not limited to:

  • any verbal or nonverbal action that disrupts the speakers’ ability to present their message and the audience’s ability to receive the message;
  • any verbal or nonverbal action that interferes with or impedes the movement of those in attendance or the speaker(s);
  • any verbal or nonverbal action that causes or threatens to cause injury to any attendee, the speaker(s), or property.

If any such issues arise, University staff and/or police may take appropriate measures, including requesting that an attendee or attendees leave the event.

Behavior that violates the law or the University’s Student Code of Conduct or other policy may result in the issuance of sanctions by the University and/or arrest.

The University will respond appropriately to speech and/or behavior that is not protected by the law. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Drafted 9.11.2023

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