Posting and Chalking Guidelines

Posting Guidelines 

Step 1: Create Your Posting Material 

Students and Registered Student Organizations may advertise non-commercial campus-wide events. Each poster, notice, or flyer must include:

  • Name of Student and/or Registered Student Organization
  • Full details of the event, including time, date and location

Step 2: Use Permitted Posting Areas

Students or organizations may post materials in designated areas according to specific guidelines. Posters, notices, flyers or other similar materials may be posted in the following places in accordance with their respective guidelines.  All posting must be in accordance with University Policy CS 28, Posting Temporary Signage Policy.

  • In a Designated Posting Area 
    • Designated posting areas such as bulletin boards are provided throughout the campus; please check with each facility for details. Guidelines for posting in these areas include:
      • Only one poster or flyer per event per posting board.
      • Do not cover existing materials unless the event has already occurred.
  • In a University Residence Hall 
    • For posting in Residence Halls, contact the Office of Residence Life at 935 William Pitt Union or
    • Posters or flyers are not allowed in or hanging from windows unless permitted by the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life Policies and Procedures. 
  • In the William Pitt Union 
    • Submit 2 copies of flyers to the WPU Information Desk for posting on the lower level of the William Pitt Union.
    • For details on banners and digital signage, refer to the Student Unions’ Policies and Procedures accessible here.
  • In Other Campus Facilities (Athletic and Academic Buildings) 
    • Athletic and academic buildings may have specific posting requirements. Contact the building's administrator before posting.
    • To find contact information for building administrators, visit the Office of Facilities Management page. Here, you can browse the profiles of Facilities Managers to locate the appropriate contact for your needs.

Chalking Guidelines 

Students and Registered Student Organizations may engage in chalking in outdoor areas of the University campus, if:

  • Done on horizontal walking surfaces (e.g., sidewalks)
  • Located in open areas exposed to weather
  • Only water-soluble, stick-type chalk is used
  • Chalking does not cover or alter existing chalking


Please be advised that any violation of these guidelines by a student or student organization may lead to a referral to the student conduct process. The content of all information posted or chalked on University property must comply with the Student Code of Conduct and all other applicable University regulations and local, state and federal laws. Nothing in these guidelines should be construed to restrict activity protected under the First Amendment.