Student Organization Event Planning Guidelines

These guidelines will help student organizations plan events on campus, including inviting speakers. The guidelines will help student organizations:

  1. Complete all required Student Organization Resource Center (SORC) documentation prior to the event. 
  2. Understand University of Pittsburgh policies related to event planning, including security requirements, advertisement of events, and use of University space and facilities.
  3. Be familiar with University resources and staff to assist with questions and concerns regarding event planning.

Before the Event

Step 1: Complete the Event Planning Checklist

  • Download the Checklist: Access the Event Planning Checklist from the SORC website. 
  • Complete the Checklist: Complete all sections of the checklist, ensuring all required details are provided. 
  • Submit the Checklist: Submit the completed checklist to SORC via email at or in person at the SORC office (WPU 833). 

Step 2: Manage necessary contracts for your event

The Student Organization Resource Center (SORC) offers guidelines and forms for managing event contracts. All contracts and required documents must be submitted at least 21 days before the event.

  • Required forms include W-9/W-8, invoices, liability insurance, and supplier verification.
  • Contracts are only considered submitted when signed by all necessary parties.
  • Special provisions are available for contract waivers and instructional services.

For more details, visit the SORC Contracts Page.

Step 3: Determine your event funding and participant attendance

How your event is funded may impact requirements for your participant attendance. Undergraduate student organizations: All undergraduate students not solely enrolled in the College of General Studies (CGS) pay an undergraduate Student Activity Fee each semester. This money is allocated to student organizations by the undergraduate Student Government Board (SGB) in accordance with the SGB Allocations Manual. Funding from the Student Activity Fee determines what category of event is being held from one of three categories: 

  • Open Event: An open event is funded in whole or in part by Student Activity Fee funds and must be open to all University of Pittsburgh students who pay the fee (all undergraduate students not solely enrolled in CGS). The host organization, at its discretion, may allow other Pitt community members and the public-at-large to attend an open event. The host organization can opt to offer priority access to students, followed by Pitt faculty and staff, and then the general public.  
  • Private Event: Private events are funded in whole or in part by the Student Activity Fee, but attendance is only open to University of Pittsburgh students. 
  • Closed Event: Closed events are not funded by the Student Activity Fee. The host organization may limit attendance to its own members or any other audience of its choosing, in accordance with the law and University policies and procedures.

Step 4: Evaluate event security needs

The University of Pittsburgh strives to provide a safe environment for its students, faculty, staff, and guests. When planning an event on campus, student organizations must anticipate and consider security needs in advance of the event. 

Contact the Office of Involvement and Student Unions (ISU)

  1. Student organizations intending to host an event, including but not limited to inviting a speaker or performer to campus, (hereinafter, the “hosting organization”) must contact early in the planning process to discuss event security needs. ISU and the University of Pittsburgh Police shall objectively determine whether an event requires security, and, if required, the costs associated with providing such security.  These determinations shall be made by evaluating factors, such as but not limited to:
    1. Anticipated audience size
    2. Location of the event
    3. Access level to the event (open to the University community, ticketed, invitation only)
    4. Date and time of the event
    5. Other events taking place on or near campus
    6. Security concerns expressed by the speaker or performer
    7. Security measures specifically requested by the speaker or performer
    8. Any similar viewpoint and content neutral considerations relevant to assessment or campus safety, security, and service
  2. Regardless of any other provision included herein (so long as the hosting organization works with ISU and the University of Pittsburgh Police in advance to permit adequate time for a complete security assessment), if an event meets all the following criteria, the hosting organization will not be assessed any security fees:
    1. The event is only open to the University community (i.e. it is not open to the public-at-large to include individuals not affiliated with the University); and
    2. The hosting organization and/or speaker/performer do not have any specific security requests
  3. The hosting organization(s) is responsible for the security costs assessed in accordance with these Guidelines.  The security costs will be used for the payment of University of Pittsburgh Police or other security personnel and for any associated equipment costs or rentals, as required based on the above criteria. 
  4. If the hosting organization has any questions regarding the fees assessed, they should contact the Office of the Dean of Students to discuss the rationale for the fee assessment.
  5. The content and viewpoint of the speaker’s or performer’s message and the community’s reaction or expected reaction to the event will not be considered when determining the security fee to be paid by the hosting organization.  If the University requires additional security that is beyond that which is assessed above, the University will bear all costs associated with that additional security. 

Step 5: Event Promotion

Effectively publicize events using various channels such as social media, email lists, and posters. Clearly communicate the event details, including the purpose, speaker credentials, and any special features, such as networking opportunities or giveaways.

The University encourages hosting organizations to include the following disclaimer in all advertisements related to a speaker event: 

“The University of Pittsburgh embraces its role to foster a diverse educational experience for all students through the free expression and exchange of ideas. The use of a University facility for this event does not necessarily constitute an endorsement by the University of any speaker, presentation, content or expressed viewpoint.” 

Step 6: Review additional event considerations

  • Event Question & Answer Sessions
    • Invited speaker events should allocate sufficient time for audience members to ask questions. Q&A sessions provide a platform for attendees to engage with the speaker, allowing them to pose relevant, supportive, or challenging questions and debate different viewpoints. To facilitate a productive and respectful dialogue, it is recommended that host organizations carefully plan the Q&A session. Student organizations should choose a suitable format for these sessions, such as:
      • Open Microphone Forum: Attendees are invited to ask questions directly using a microphone, allowing for spontaneous interaction.
      • Facilitator-Managed Questions: A facilitator moves through the audience with a microphone, selecting individuals to ask questions, which can help manage the flow and tone of the discussion.
      • Pre-Submitted Questions: Attendees submit questions in writing before or during the event. These questions are then reviewed and selected by the speaker or moderator, ensuring a curated discussion.
  • Potential for Co-hosting Events with Other Student Organizations
    • Co-hosting events with other student organizations can enhance visibility and attendance, fostering collaboration and resource sharing. This approach not only broadens the event's reach but also enriches the diversity of perspectives and ideas presented.
  • Event Accessibility
    • Student organizations should ensure that their events are accessible to individuals with diverse needs. This includes considering physical accessibility, availability of sign language interpreters, or providing materials in different formats. When using RSVP or registration forms, it is essential to inquire about any required accommodations. For guidance on specific event accommodations, contact Disability Resources and Services.
  • Understanding and Adhering to University policies
    • All registered student organizations must comply with university policies, including the Student Code of Conduct, and relevant federal, state, and local laws when planning and conducting events. Organizations are accountable for the behavior of their members and attendees. Non-compliance may lead to disciplinary action, including potential loss of student organization status and funding.

During the Event

Expression and Dissent: The speaker’s right to express viewpoints and the audience’s right to listen take precedence. While students are encouraged to maintain an open mind during a speaker’s presentation, there may be instances where attendees will not agree with the spoken or displayed viewpoint of the speaker.

For more information on the rights and responsibilities of students and student organizations related to expression and dissent, refer to the On-Campus Demonstration and Protest Guidelines for Students and Student Organizations and

Assistance and Resources

Many resources are available to assist students and student organizations with planning to ensure a successful event:

Student Organization Resource Center (SORC)

Provides support and resources for student organizations, including event planning, financial systems access, and leadership development.

Contact: | 412-624-7115 | William Pitt Union

Student Government Board (SGB)

Represents the student body in university governance, advocating for student interests and overseeing student organizations.

Contact: | 412-648-7970 | William Pitt Union

SGB Allocations Committee

Manages the distribution of funds to student organizations and ensures fair and transparent allocation processes.

Contact: | 412-648-7970 | William Pitt Union

Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG)

Serves as the governing body for graduate and professional students, offering support, resources, and advocacy.

Contact: | 825 William Pitt Union

Involvement and Student Unions: Student Union Operations

Assists with space reservations and provides information on facilities available within the Student Union.

Contact: | 412-648-7812 | William Pitt Union-M5

Involvement and Student Unions: Event Production

Provides audio-visual support and equipment for university events, ensuring technical needs are met.

Contact: | 412-648-7821 | Office Location

Disability Resources and Services (DRS)

Offers accommodations and support services for students with disabilities, ensuring access to university programs and activities.

Contact: | 412-648-7890 | Office Location

Pitt Police

Provides safety planning guidance, emergency response, and security services for the university community.

Contact: Email | Phone Number | Office Location


Offers food and catering resources for events, including meal plans and dining services information.

Contact: | | 3925 Forbes Ave