Policy Summaries

Conduct & Content

These policies provide rules for conduct of University members and the use of University resources.

CS 04: Drug- Free Workplace/ Drug-Free Schools

May implicate protests if use of controlled substances is involved or present on University Property.

View CS 04 Policy

CS 05: Harassment by Telecommunication

This policy establishes restrictions on the use of University telecommunication systems. This policy prohibits the making or sending of fraudulent, unlawful, or abusive calls or messages via University telecommunications systems.

View CS 05 Policy

CS 07: Nondiscrimination, Equal Opportunity, and Affirmative Action

Policy defines harassment and may implicate freedom of speech if the speech meets the definition of harassment.

View CS 07 Policy

CS 11: Personal Use of University Resources Policy

This policy establishes the administrative responsibilities and general guidelines for the personal use of University resources.

View CS 11 Policy

CS 20: Sexual Misconduct

This Policy implicates speech that meets the definition of sexual harassment.

View CS 20 Policy

CS 27: Title IX

This Policy implicates action/ speech that constitute sexual harassment under federal regulations. 

View CS 27 Policy

AC 03: Academic Responsibilities and Professional Conduct

This policy establishes academic responsibilities of faculty members regarding absences from classes and professional responsibilities regarding the use of University affiliation. This policy may implicate freedom of speech at times when University faculty are speaking on behalf of the institution vs. when they are providing personal opinions.

View AC 03 Policy

CS 10: Participation in Political Campaigns

This Policy implicates the speech of faculty, staff, and students regarding campaigns within the capacity of their role. This policy also specifies provisions for political rallies and political candidates speaking on campus. 

View CS 10 Policy

Facilities & Resources

These policies provide rules for the use of University facilities and signage throughout the University. These rules may be implicated when demonstrations occur on campus.

AO 08 Charges for Use of University Facilities

This Policy establishes the charges associated with the extracurricular use of University facilities. 

View AO 08 Policy

AO 09: Classroom Facilities

This Policy may implicate free speech if the protest includes the occupation of classroom facilities, which require a reservation for use.

View AO 09 Policy

AO 17: Extracurricular Use of University Facilities 

This policy may implicate protests when they occupy spaces requiring reservations and approval.

View AO 17 Policy

AO 47 Management of University Facilities and Grounds

This policy establishes the authority and responsibilities regarding the management of the University of Pittsburgh’s facilities and grounds.

View AO 47 Policy

AO 18 University- wide Closure and Class Cancellation

This Policy provides the standard for both University- wide class cancellation and closure of the University and establishes the roles and responsibilities related to closure and cancellation. May be implicated in this work if the safety of the University is compromised during a demonstration/ protest.

View AO 18 Policy

AO 27 Parking Rules and Regulations Policy

This policy establishes the rules and regulations for parking on University owned and leased property. This policy may be implicated when demonstrations violate the provisions of this Policy.

View AO 27 Policy

CS 28: Temporary Signage

This Policy provides the responsibilities and requirements for posting temporary signs on the exterior of any building on the University’s campus; on University lawns, gardens or similar outdoor spaces; or in the indoor public spaces of the University’s buildings. This policy may implicate speech related to signage.

View CS 28 Policy

AO 44 Flag Display on University Flagpoles

This policy governs the display of flags on official flagpoles on all University campuses. This policy may be relevant if demonstrators attempt to use University flagpoles.

View AO 44 Policy