Demonstration and Protest Guidelines

On-Campus Demonstration and Protest Guidelines for Students and Student Organizations

The University of Pittsburgh supports the right of students and student organizations to engage in peaceful, orderly, and nondestructive demonstrations while ensuring the safety and respect of all individuals on campus.  A demonstration includes any organized public gathering or activity expressing support for or opposition to an issue, person, group, idea, or policy. 

Students or student groups who engage in an on-campus demonstration must refrain from disrupting the educational process and from infringing upon the rights of other members of the University community. Additionally, on-campus demonstrations must be compliant with all applicable federal, state, or local laws and ordinances, as well as with these “On-Campus Demonstration and Protest Guidelines” and all other applicable University guidelines, policies and procedures including the Student Code of Conduct.

The University maintains the right to regulate and monitor the time, place and manner of any on-campus demonstrations as may be necessary to help ensure the safety and well-being of community members and the orderly conduct of classes and other functions of the University.

The University neither permits nor forbids demonstrations in off-campus locations by members of the University community. Persons demonstrating off-campus are reminded that they are expected to act in a manner that will comply with all federal, state and municipal laws and ordinances.

For any demonstrations on University property, reserved or otherwise, please note:

  1. Many campus spaces are available for student organizations and University departments to reserve for planned events, including demonstrations. These include, but are not limited to, student union spaces, academic building rooms, outdoor plazas, and lawn spaces.  Reservation procedures vary by building, but student organizations should utilize the EMS system to begin most reservation processes.  If you cannot locate a space you are interested in, please reach out to the Student Union Operations team for assistance. 
  2. Demonstrations must not block pedestrian or vehicular traffic to ensure safety and accessibility for all.
  3. Demonstrations must not block or otherwise interfere with any person’s ability to enter or exit any University property (buildings/patios/plazas/gathering spaces, etc.)
  4. No demonstration shall obstruct or disrupt activity related to the University’s educational process, including, but not limited to, activity occurring in classrooms, offices, laboratories or other University facilities or grounds, except as may be permitted under the Event Planning Guidelines, which outline appropriate means to demonstrate during a sponsored event.
  5. Open flames are generally prohibited on campus, with exceptions made for approved religious or ceremonial events. For more details, please refer to the University's Fire Safety Guidelines on the Environmental Health and Safety page.
  6. Sound or voice amplifiers are not permitted inside University buildings. Outdoor use is permitted only if it does not disrupt University activities.
  7. Demonstrators must not engage in behaviors that could harm others or threaten physical injury. 
  8. No demonstration shall cause damage to or the destruction of any property.
  9. Demonstrators may distribute literature in designated areas and must follow the Posting & Chalking Guidelines for Students and Student Organizations.
  10. Picketing is allowed on University property outside buildings or events, provided it does not obstruct entryways or access to facilities or events or disrupt University operations.
  11. The use of any signs attached to rigid supports or frames is prohibited in any University owned or operated building. Additionally, signs cannot be attached to or propped by or on University furniture or structures, such as chairs, benches, tables, trash cans etc. Refer to University of Pittsburgh Police CS 28: Posting Temporary Signage Policy for details. 
  12. The use of tents or other temporary structures is not permitted without advance approval from the Office of Facilities Management.  Refer to University of Pittsburgh Policy AO 47: Management of University Facilities and Grounds for details. 
  13. Peaceful protest during an event or meeting must not interfere with the audience’s view or ability to hear a speaker or participate in an event. Any use of signs, prolonged standing, or other activity likely to block the view of an audience member is not permitted.

For demonstrations on City property, please note:

Contact the City of Pittsburgh, Office of Film and Event Management, to apply for any necessary special event permits for demonstrations on City property.


Please be advised that any violation of these guidelines by a student or student organization may lead to a referral to the student conduct process. The content of all information posted or chalked on University property must comply with the Student Code of Conduct and all other applicable University regulations and local, state and federal laws. Nothing in these guidelines should be construed to restrict activity protected under the First Amendment.


These guidelines provide a framework for on-campus demonstrations. For more information about student rights and responsibilities, please visit this section of Free Speech at Pitt for educational resources.